Contact Information

Post address: PL 174, 65101 Vaasa, Finland.

Address: Hietasaarenkatu 6 B, Vaasa, Finland.

General email address: kirjaamo(at)
The staff’s email addresses: firstname.surname(at)


When calling from outside of Finland:
Use country code +358
No '0' in the area code.

The head of the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia is the Regional Mayor. 

Search contacts

Development and Business Manager
Art Educator, BARK 23.1.–31.12.2023
Regional Coordinator
Baltic Sea Region Cultural Pearls for more resilient Cities and Regions 17.2.2023–31.12.2025
Environmental Expert
Regional Development Expert
Funding from ERDF and AKKE.
Regional Development Expert
Strategy for innovation and growth (smart specialisation), international projects and networks
Regional Development Expert
Funding from Interreg Aurora
Administrative Manager
Director of Regional Planning
Administrative Secretary
Registry and secretary to the regional director.
Financial Secretary
Regional Development Expert, International Coordinator
Regional Development Expert
Funding from ERDF, regional cooperation
Regional Development Expert
Regional development strategy, statistics, participation, equality
Financial Secretary
Cultural Planner, BARK
Project Manager / Innovation Valley
Project Manager / Innovation Valley
Regional Development Expert
Regional Development Expert
Cultural Planner
Kaikukortti, cultural tourism
Regional Development Expert
Rural development, advocacy, education and higher education policy, forecasting
Communications Coordinator (on leave 1.9.2022–1.9.2025)
Communications coordinator
Acting 1.11.2023–31.8.2025
Project Manager 9.10.2023–31.12.2024
Kultur med en erfarenhetsexpert / Kulttuuria kokemusasiantuntijan kanssa
Director of Regional Development